Time Delay Relays

Application: Bypass Timer

Thursday: September 15, 2016

The THS-1054A series offers accurate and reliable operation as a Low Pressure Switch Bypass or “Bypass Timer”. The time delay relay operates over a wide temperature range making it a good choice for winterstart applications having low ambient startup temperatures.

How do I set the THL-8 Series Time Delay Relay?

Monday: May 2, 2016

Issue: How do I set the THL-8 Series Time Delay Relay?

Solution: All THL-8 Series products come with a specific single time delay range as indicated on the nameplate and by the two-digit code at the end of the Product Number.  Setting the time delay is accomplished through the use of a 10-position DIP-switch.

Replacing Obsolete TR-6 Series Time Delay Relays with T9 suffix

Friday: April 22, 2016

Issue: I am using a TR-61626 Programmable Time Delay Relay with a special pin configuration with the trigger switch between pins 7 and 10 that needs to be replaced but now I am told it is no longer available.  What can I do?

Modification to Order a Product that is Normally an 8 Pin Product with 11 Pins (-H Suffix) No Longer Available

Tuesday: December 1, 2015

Issue: In the past I have purchased a time delay relay with the H option, but it is now obsolete. What can I do? Solution/Resolution: We certainly apologize that this option is no longer available and therefore, may cause some inconvenience for you. This option was to take a time delay relay that normally came

Time Delay Relay Functions w/ Different ON & OFF Times

Wednesday: November 4, 2015

Issue: I have noticed that most time delay relays with functions such as Repeat Cycle, Delayed Interval & ON/OFF Delay have as standard the same range available for both ON & OFF times. I need a 5 second ON time and a 30 minute OFF time, but no available one range covers both times. What

Non-Standard Control (Trigger) Switch Pin Configurations

Sunday: November 1, 2015

Issue: I have a time delay relay with a trigger switch that is not connected to pins 5 & 6 as shown in your catalog. It looks like my product has some type of special wiring configuration. Is there anyway I can order a drop-in replacement product from Macromatic? Solution/Resolution: While the industry standard for 

Control Switch Jumpered on TD-7 Digital-Set Time Delay Relay

Thursday: October 22, 2015

Issue: What happens if I put a jumper across the control switch terminals (Pins 5 & 6) on the TD-7 Digital-Set time delay relay, but I have the function set to On Delay, which doesn't need a Control Switch to initiate it? Will the unit operate satisfactorily? Solution/Resolution: No control switch is required when the

Changes to TAA1U & TAA2U Products

Monday: October 5, 2015

Issue: I noticed there are different input voltage ratings for the TAA1U & TAA2U products. When did this happen & are there other changes? Solution/Resolution: Early in 2012, Macromatic made two changes to our TAA1U & TAA2U 1/16 DIN Analog-Set Time Delay Relays: The input voltage rating was changed to “100-240VAC & 24-240VDC” from “24-240VAC"

Troubleshooting a Unit with a Control Switch Trigger

Saturday: August 29, 2015

Issue: I am using one of your products that has the control switch trigger between Pins 5 & 6, and the unit is not operating. What could possibly be wrong? Solution/Resolution: Normally when we receive this question, the problem is traced to a blown resistor in the control switch trigger circuit. Most of the time

DC Input Voltages on Time Delay Relays

Saturday: August 29, 2015

Issue: I have applied 24VDC input voltage to one of your time delay relays, but the product still doesn’t operate. I know the voltage supply is good. Solution/Resolution: Any of our time delay relays that operate on dc are polarity dependent. This means that it is important to connect the “+” & “-” wires to 

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